In addition to being a consultant, develop yourself with an internal role

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About Summiteers
Dylan Hermanns
Simone Halink
Daphne Dragt

As a consultant at Summiteers, you actually do much more than consultancy work for clients. As a young consultancy firm, we are constantly working to further build our organization. So you can get a working internally with an agile approach, but you can also play a permanent role within the organization. What you pick up is entirely up to you. One person gets satisfaction from focusing on different projects over and over again, while the other finds a challenge in fulfilling a certain role. In this article, you can read more about Dylan, Simone and Daphne's experience of their internal roles at Summiteers.

Dylan Hermanns - Recruitment

After Dylan joined Summiteers after an entrepreneurial trip, it actually started to itch quite quickly to take up entrepreneurial activities again. “If you are looking for something like that within Summiteers, we always think along with you about what this could be. For example, development discussions look at what gives you energy.” Dylan has now taken our Recruitment and Selection much further over the past 1.5 years and has been able to improve the process based on his vision. A great time to hand over this role to new colleagues who take Recruitment and Selection one step further and can develop themselves in this regard. Those who are a little familiar with Summiteers know our yardstick. “We ask ourselves: will this make it more fun? Growth in the number of employees is never a goal for us, the focus is really on finding sustainable matches. Because all Summiteers regularly apply for jobs, recruitment is a careful and, above all, joint process. “Our vision is that we are mainly there with the attitude to help that candidate move forward. It's a bit like sitting at a table with a group of friends trying to get them to take the right step instead of drawing someone inside. Above all, these are very good and open conversations. That gives me a lot of energy.”

Simone Halink - Training Coordinator

Before Simone took on the role of training coordinator, there was already a wonderful training program. She can now continue to develop this as a training coordinator, which she does with great passion. “Training can never be something that stops. We are always developing.” The ambition is therefore: to become and remain top consultants. Not just maintaining a standard, but beyond the basic skills, looking for new methods and new perspectives. For Simone, the role also goes a little further than just coordinating the training programs and having learning needs discussions with our consultants. “It's about encouraging people. This way, you can create entrances that lead to real growth, new insights and do cool things together.” A good example is that Simone recently reached a new level in Deep Democracy. When sharing knowledge from training courses, interest in such a topic automatically rolls through the organization like a snowball. Impress development? We don't like that. With the router planner 'The Way of the Summiteer' developed by ourselves, you can decide for yourself which internal & external training course suits you on the way to the top of the mountain. During discussions about this, Simone also likes to make the distinction between should and want. “Of course, there are logical steps you can take when you look at your development. I certainly don't discourage that either, but I always ask the question: What do you want about yourself and what would you like to do?” Often there is room for both. We don't necessarily want consultants who do and can do all the same things, but above all challenge them to work on learning and development with energy and to choose their own path.

Daphne Dragt - Marketing

At Summiteers, Daphne is best known as the coordinator of our pleasant 'noise' committee, where our website and LinkedIn content are conceived and created. Beyond that, Daphne is responsible for marketing Summiteers, in which, among other things, she sparks a lot with the various colleagues. “It's also about, what target groups do we have and how do we communicate with them properly through various channels?” “One example is that I'm talking to Dylan so we can see how we can support the recruitment and selection process with employer branding items. That's how we find the right channels and expressions together to show Summiteers as a company and employer.” A lot of space is given to pick up your ideas and thus take marketing further. “It's really nice to make a bigger contribution to the company on a specific part. There is a lot of room to further develop it based on how you see it. This way, together with the noise team, I can take great steps.”

About Summiteers

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Read here more about Dylan

Read here more about Simone

Read here more about Daphne

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